Ne harten analitike, ja cfare suprize te pakendshme i pergatiti Google Serbise.
Ne harten analitike Google, pervec qe ia keputi pjesen e Kosoves e cila vecse me eshte shpallur shtet me vete, Serbine e la edhe pa Vojvodinen. Serbet ky veprim i Google-it i terboi shume. Kryeministri serb premtoi qe patjeter do te reagoje. Edhe parlamentaret u shqetesuan shume. Sh ikojeni harten edhe vete.
Per ta pare me sakte ne vi di io ndi qeni me poe ste.
We analytic map, here's what unpleasant surprise of Google Serbia prepared.
We analytic Google map, except that it took the part of Kosovo which is revealed except the state itself, even without Serbia's Vojvodina left. Serbs that Google's action enraged many. Serbian Prime Minister promised that will definitely react. Even parliamentarians were greatly troubled. Look at the map itself.